
Georeferencing Oblique AerialWildfire Photographs: An Untapped Source of Fire Behaviour Data
Henry Hart, Daniel D. B. Perrakis, Stephen W. Taylor, Christopher Bone and Claudio Bozzini
Fire 2021, 4(4), 81; – 22 Oct 2021

Using the Monoplotting Technique for Documenting and Analyzing Natural Hazard Events
Conedera Marco, Bozzini Claudio, Ryter Ueli, Bertschinger Thalia, Krebs Patrik , 2018
IntechOpen,, pp. 107 123, November 2018

Extracting ecological information from oblique angle terrestrial landscape photographs: Performance evaluation of the WSL Monoplotting Tool
Christopher A. Stockdale, Claudio Bozzini, S. Ellen Macdonald, Eric Higgs, 2015
ScienceDirect, Applied Geography 63 (2015), pp. 315-325, September 2015

La monofotogrammetria applicata al settore forestale – Nuovo software sviluppato dal WSL
Marco Conedera, Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Cristian Scapozza, 2015
Sherwood 210 April – Mai 2015, pp. 27-30

Assessing the rock glacier kinematics on three different timescales: a case study from the southern Swiss
Cristian Scapozza , Christophe Lambiel, Claudio Bozzini, Stefano Mari and Marco Conedera, 2014
Earth Surf. Process. Landforms (2014), DOI: 10.1002/esp.3599, Juni 2014

A new tool for facilitating the retrieval and recording of the place name cultural heritage
Claudio Bozzini, Marco Conedera, Patrik Krebs, 2013
in: Grussenmeyer, P. (ed.): XXIV International CIPA Symposium, Strasbourg, France,
September 02 – 06, 2013, ISPRS Archives – Volume XL-5/W2, 2013, pp. 115-118

Anwendungspotenzial des WSL-Monoplotting-Tools im Naturgefahrenmanagement
Marco Conedera, Claudio Bozzini, Cristian Scapozza , Lorenze Rè, Ueli Ryter, Patrik Krebs, 2013
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, Vol. 164, No. 7, pp. 173-180, Juli 2013
(ISSN 0036-7818)

Une lente mais constante avancée. Le cheminement des lobes de solifluxion du Munt Chavagl
Armin Rist, Felix Keller, Christian Schmid, Claudia Gerber, Dragan Vogel, Claudio Bozzini, Stefan Wunderle, Heinz Veit, 2013
Recherches scientifiques au Parc National Suisse, Numéro 99/II, Atlas du Parc National
Suisse, Les 100 premières années, pp. 208-209, 2013
(ISBN 978-3-258-07837-3)

Fotos wie Karten lesen
Roland Fischer, Claudio Bozzini, 2013
Horizonte – Das Schweizer Forschungsmagazin Nr. 96, p. 38, März 2013

Lire les photos comme des cartes
Roland Fischer, Claudio Bozzini, 2013
Horizons – Le magazine suisse de la recherche scientifique no 96, März 2013

Neues Tool zur Georeferenzierung von terrestrischen Schrägbildern
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, 2012
Geosciences Actuel, 3/2012 – Oktober 2012, pp. 27-28 (ISSN 1662-2480)

Quando le vecchie foto raccontano: l’alluvione del 1927 a Olivone
Cristian Scapozza, Claudio Bozzini, 2012
Voce di Blenio, Ottobre 2012, pp. 8-9

A New Monoplotting Tool to Extract Georeferenced Vector Data and Orthorectified Raster Data from Oblique Non-Metric Photographs
Claudio Bozzini, Marco Conedera, Patrik Krebs, 2012
International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, Multi Science Publishing, Volume 1,
Number 3 / September 2012, pp. 499-518 (ISSN 2047-4970, DOI 10.1260/2047-4970.1.3.499)

Reconstructing Historic Glacier States Based on Terrestrial Oblique Photographs
Samuel Wiesmann, Ladina Steiner, Milo Pozzi, Claudio Bozzini, Lorenz Hurni, 2012
AutoCarto International Symposium on Automated Cartography, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 16-18 September 2012

Ein neues Tool zur Georeferenzierung und Orthorektifizierung von terrestrischen Schrägbildern
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, 2012
Forum Landschaft, Infoletter 2/2012 – Mai 2012, pp. 2-3

Ein neues Tool zur Georeferenzierung und Orthorektifizierung von terrestrischen Schrägbildern
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, 2012
Geomatik Schweiz, 4/2012 – April 2012, 110. Jahrgang, pp. 159-161 (ISSN 1660-4458)

Evoluzione dei boschi della valle Onsernone: come ci può aiutare la fotografia d’epoca
Marco Conedera, Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Pippo Gianoni, Gabriele Carraro, Roberto Carazzetti, 2011
La Voce Onsernonese, 2/2011 – Anno XL, N. 199, pp. 8-9

A new tool for obtaining cartographic georeferenced data from single oblique photos
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, 2011
in: Pavelka, K. (ed.): XXIIIth International CIPA Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic,
September 12 – 16, 2011, CD-Rom, 6 p. (ISBN 978-80-01-04885-6)

Ein neues Tool zur Georeferenzierung und Interpretation von terrestrischen Schrägbildern
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, 2011
Newsletter – N. 27 – April 2011, pp. 16-17

Un nouvel outil pour le géoréférencement et l’interprétation de photographies terrestres obliques
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, 2011
Newsletter – N. 27 – April 2011, pp. 16-17

Nuovi sviluppi della monofotogrammetria al servizio del monitoraggio, della pianificazione e della storia del paesaggio
Claudio Bozzini, Marco Conedera, Patrik Krebs, 2011
ARCHi, rivista svizzera di architettura – N. 2/2011 – April 2011, pp. 45-51

WSL Ecosistemi Insubrici, Bellinzona – Utilizzo di vecchie fotografie per lo studio della storia del paesaggio
Marco Moretti, Boris Pezzatti, Patrik Krebs, Claudio Bozzini, Marco Conedera, 2011
Forestaviva, Rivista dell’Associazione Forestale Ticinese – N. 48, pp. 22-23 – März 2011


Monoplotting and historical aerial images for 3D GIS
2nd EuroSDR Workshop on “Geoprocessing and Archiving of Historical Aerial Images”
Rome, December 5-6, 2022

Georeferencing Oblique Photographs Monoplotting Workshop
Canadian Forest Service and Canada Wildfire, University of Alberta
Edmonton, February 1 -2, 2020

GIS with single oblique (historical) protographs: introducing to the WSL Monoplotting Tool
10th WORLD CONGRESS of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE)
Milan, July 3, 2019

Using the monoplotting technique for reconstructing urban dynamics
WSL/IMS joint project
House of Switzerland / Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas / Rio de Janeiro, September 1, 2016

Monoplotting Einführungskurs
Schweizer Pärke
Zurich, May 7, 2015

Monoplotting Einführungskurs
Universität Zürich Irchel, Geographisches Institut, Prof. Dr. Max Maisch
Zurich, April 30, 2015


Utiliser les photos terrestres comme cartes géographiques
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, März 2016
Colloque Photogrammétrie Numérique et Perception 3D: les nouvelles conquêtes
SFPT, Société Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection
ENSG, École nationale des sciences géographiques
Marne la Vallée (Paris), 15-17 März 2016

Les Alpes valaisannes – Terre de rêve des géologues
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, November 2013
Journées de conférences 2013, Sion, 7-8 Novembre 2013
Le Musée de la nature du Valais, Le Musée d’histoire du Valais,
La Murithienne, société valaisanne des sciences naturelles

Georeferencing Toponymy with Historical Pictures
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, October 2013
6th Trends in Toponymy Conference, University of Heidelberg, 7-10 October 2013

A new tool for facilitating the retrieval and recording of the place name cultural heritage
Claudio Bozzini, Marco Conedera, Patrik Krebs, 2013
in: Grussenmeyer, P. (ed.): XXIV International CIPA Symposium, Strasbourg, France,
September 02 – 06, 2013, ISPRS Archives – Volume XL-5/W2, 2013, pp. 115-118

La toponomastica: per chi? Riflessioni sulle applicazioni dello studio sui nomi di luogo
Claudio Bozzini, Februar 2013
Kolloquium Namenforschung Schweiz #2, Universität Zürich, 4. Februar 2013

Quantifying landscape changes through the georeferencing of single obique historical photos
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, November 2012
10th edition of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Bern, 16-17 November 2012

Quantifying landscape changes through the georeferencing of single obique historical photos
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, August 2012
25th Session of the PECSRL international conference, Leeuwarden & Terschelling (The Netherlands), 20-24 August 2012

Georeferencing toponymy
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, Stefano Vassere, Juli 2012
5th Trends in Toponymy Conference, University of Bern, 9-13 Juli 2012

Geo-historical analysis of place names related to the wood charcoal industry in southern Switzerland
Patrik Krebs, Claudio Bozzini, Marco Conedera, Stefano Vassere, July 2012
5th Trends in Toponymy Conference, University of Bern, 9-13 Juli 2012

A new tool for obtaining cartographic georeferenced data from single oblique photos
Claudio Bozzini, Patrik Krebs, Marco Conedera, September 2011
in: Pavelka, K. (ed.): XXIIIth International CIPA Symposium, Prague, Czech Republic,
September 12 – 16, 2011, CD-Rom, 6 p. (ISBN 978-80-01-04885-6)