
image2world is a user-friendly desktop GIS software that allows to use historical and current oblique photographs as three-dimensional maps. Thanks to monophotogrammetry (monoplotting) , after the georeferencing process, on the image it is possible to digitize GIS elements and obtain the three-dimensional coordinates, just as it is done on a map in standard GIS software (ArcGIS, QGIS, ...).

Data format

image2world allows to work with ESRI shapefiles natively, or to use the proprietary format, this having the advantage of being able to store different types of GIS objects (points, lines and polygons) in the same file. The data used in image2world are three-dimensional data.


image2world is a software providing several GIS features, some of which are unique and exclusive; among the main ones, depending on the version, there are:

  • creation and use of orthorectified cartographic documents (orthophotos, pixel maps, rasters of different types) that, in combination with the digital land model, become three-dimensional
  • creation and use of georeferenced photographic documents, which allow oblique terrestrial or aerial photographs to be used as three-dimensional maps
  • digitization of standard GIS elements (points, lines, and polygons) based indifferently on orthorectified maps or oblique photographs
  • orthorectification of oblique photographs, which is very useful with near-orthogonal images such as photographs taken from drones
  • reprojection of orthorectified maps on oblique images, that is, the representation of a common (raster) map on a photograph
  • reprojection of oblique images onto oblique images, i.e., the projection of one oblique photograph onto another oblique photograph, a unique opportunity for comparison between two photographs taken from an (almost) equal position, on landscapes of different times (rephotography)


The features available depend on the version of the software, which is offered in 3 versions:

  • image2world Lite
  • image2world Standard
  • image2world Professional





Georeferenced cartographic documents

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Georeferenced photographic documents

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Digitization of cartographic elements

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of oblique images

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Reprojection of orthorectified maps on oblique images

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Reprojection of oblique images on oblique images

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Funzione / versione




Georeferenced cartographic documents

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Georeferenced photographic documents

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Digitization of cartographic elements

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of oblique images

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Reprojection of orthorectified maps on oblique images

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Reprojection of oblique images on oblique images

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image2world helps you both in retrieving information from images and in finding the images you need for your purposes

Cartography with oblique landscape photographs

Do you need to extract quantitative information from an oblique photograph?

Whether it is a current or historical image, terrestrial or aerial, we prepare for you a simple project that will allow you to extract GIS elements (points, lines, polygons, and heights) from an oblique photograph with just a few clicks.

We can help you achieve the task in three ways.

1. Image georeferencing for image2world.

With this mode you provide us with the oblique photograph and we prepare for you a project that, thanks to our image2worldsoftware, will allow you in a very simple way to define directly on the original photograph the desired elements and then to save them in shapefiles, which can be loaded immediately into any GIS system (ArcGIS, QGIS or other).

2. Orthorectification

This method is particularly suitable for near-orthogonal photographs, usually aerial photographs taken by airplanes or drones. You provide us with the photograph and we return the orthorectified image that can be used immediately in any GIS system (ArcGIS, QGIS, or other).

3. Image reprojection

This procedure allows the exact overlapping of two images, obtaining a perfect projection of one image onto the other. The result consists of two images with the same dimensions and perspective, which can be perfectly superimposed and thus compared with extreme precision. A project for image2world, which can be used with the software, is also provided with the images, allowing cartography directly directly onto the image.

Ricerca di fotografie

Su richiesta vi aiutiamo volentieri a cercare le fotografie di cui avete bisogno per le vostre ricerche o il vostro lavoro. L’esperienza degli ultimi 15 anni ci ha fornito molti spunti su archivi fotografici in cui si possono trovare immagini molto interessanti. Saremo lieti di mettere la nostra esperienza a vostra disposizione nella ricerca delle immagini che vi servono.

Assistance and consulting

Gladly we are available to help you finding solutions to your problems with our offers that include instruction in using the software as well as consulting on specific needs of each individual user.